Patagonia Wildflowers
Wildflower Identification
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Category All Plants 3046
Observation Time Now: Third week of December 3046
Plant Name Ludwigia 8
Search Results
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Ludwigia bonariensis
Carolina primrose-willow 89%
Ludwigia bonariensis
Ludwigia elegans
duraznillo de río 88%
Ludwigia elegans
Ludwigia grandiflora
water primrose 87%
Ludwigia grandiflora
Ludwigia hexapetala
water primrose 87%
Ludwigia hexapetala
Ludwigia leptocarpa
anglestem waterprimrose 85%
Ludwigia leptocarpa
Ludwigia octovalvis
Mexican primrose-willow 84%
Ludwigia octovalvis
Ludwigia peploides
floating primrose-willow 84%
Ludwigia peploides
Ludwigia peruviana
Peruvian primrose-willow 84%
Ludwigia peruviana
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